UC Santa Barbara Notices

Federal NAGPRA and California NAGPRA (CalNAGPRA) require that institutions receiving federal, or state funds engage in a process of repatriating archaeologically and ethnographically obtained collections to affiliated Native communities.  A key step in this process is to make available to Native communities records of what any given institution either has control over or maintains possession of.  The two vehicles for this communication are "Inventories" of ancestors/human remains along with associated funerary objects and "Summaries" of sacred objects or objects of cultural patrimony.

The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) has a significant collection of archaeological and ethnographic material, primarily from but not limited to Chumash territories, located in our Repository for Archaeological and Ethnographic Collections (RAEC).  Completed and preliminary inventories and summaries of UCSB's collections can be found on the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) website. UCSB is currently working to update its NAGPRA related inventories and summaries such that new records will be posted periodically. We will reach out to affiliated Native communities to invite opportunities for consultation on preliminary inventories and summaries, but please don’t hesitate to contact Repatriation Coordinator, Hugh D. Radde at hradde@ucsb.edu or nagpra@ucsb.edu for updates or with questions.


Notice of Inventory Completion (NIC)

Notice of Repatriation (NIR)

Inventories and Summaries

To view our published NAHC Inventories and Summaries please visit the CalNAGPRA database here. We are listed as "UCSB Repository". Note that to gain access to the database you will need to request a tribal access code.